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Parenting Schedules for Children Younger than Two

Austin family attorney Rebecca SmallAccording to an Austin family attorney, children under the age of two have special emotional needs during a divorce. They need to create a secure emotional connection with their caregiver, usually a parent. The person will need to demonstrate stability, response to their needs and consistency. After the age of two months, a baby will begin to recognize their main caregiver. As they grow older, they will look for their primary caregiver, and, between 15 and 24 months, they might cry when they are separated.

Our Austin Family Attorney Offers Advice on Stability for Children

Separation from either parent can be stressful for children, even the youngest ones, during this critical time. They might become fearful, clingy, nervous and upset or develop eating or sleep disorders. The parents should show extra warmth and sympathy during this time despite their own emotional challenges. Fighting, arguing and abuse between the parents upset the children.

Our Austin Family Attorney Discusses How to Minimize Stress for Children

Parents will need to work together to establish predictable eating and sleep patterns. The child will need a routine to develop a stable environment. If their schedule is changed, it could damage the child. They need regular interaction with their parents. Every other weekend visits are not often enough to establish a solid attachment between both parents. In addition, they will suffer separation anxiety when they are apart from the main caregiver.

If you are wondering how to put together an effective parenting schedule for your baby or toddler, contact our Austin family attorney at Nunis & Associates. You can reach our Austin family law firm at (512) 236-9696.