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Deciding Whether to Hire a Lawyer for a Family Case

As Austin family attorneys can tell you, some family cases can be settled between the parties in a fair and friendly way, without the need for legal counsel. This situation is the exception rather than the rule. In many cases, the stakes are too high for the matter to be resolved without the help of…

Requirements for a Valid Contract

For a contract to be recognized by the courts as valid, it must meet four requirements. This is important to understand if you are considering a breach-of-contract action because the contract might not be valid. Talk to an Austin contract lawyer about whether the contract would be upheld by the courts. Here is a list of the…

What Do I Have to Do to Get a Legal Separation?

A legal separation is different from a divorce, but the proceedings can still be as complex. If you’re considering a legal separation and want to make sure it’s the right thing to do for yourself and your spouse, talk to our Austin family attorneys who can discuss the process with you.   

Can My Spouse and I Handle Our Own Divorce Without Attorneys?

When filing for divorce, neither you nor your spouse are legally required to hire an attorney. If you can’t afford to hire an attorney or simply don’t want one, you may consider handling your own divorce. To learn some situations where you really should have our Austin family attorneys during your divorce, review this video.

Understanding and Breaking the Cycle of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is scary, confusing and nothing short of devastating. If you’re the victim of domestic violence, you do have legal rights, and you deserve to be protected. Consult with an Austin family lawyer or other legal advocate to discuss these rights and how to disengage from your situation safely and effectively.