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Austin Family Law Lawyer Provides Divorce Tips

Austin Family Law Lawyer divorce decreeAs an Austin family law lawyer, it is easy to understand that a divorce is a very emotional and stressful time for all parties involved. However, through experience, there are some things that seem to make the process more difficult. Understanding some of these common occurrences in a divorce and preventing them may allow you to get through the process more easily.

Six Common Issues in a Divorce Proceeding

Before a divorce is finalized, these six issues can occur and delay the divorce process.

  1. Bank Accounts or Credit Cards. Many people that are in the process of a divorce become uncaring about their financial obligation to their spouse. It is important to only take your fair share of any accounts, or only use your personal credit card. Withdrawing all of the money in a joint account, or charging up joint credit cards can cause the divorce proceedings to take longer.
  2. Delaying Financial Information. If you believe that by delaying or not providing the attorneys with your personal financial information is hurting your ex, you are wrong. The attorneys can obtain the information through Court order, and all this will do is cause you additional expenses and time.
  3. Hiding Assets. All financial transactions leave paper trails. If your spouse knows or suspects there are assets being hidden, the attorneys will have to conduct a search. Your Austin family law lawyer may have to hire a forensic accountant to go through all of your documents and financial records which will take an extensive amount of time and cost.
  4. Beginning a Serious Relationship. Before a divorce is finalized, it is always unwise to begin a serious relationship with another person. Your spouse will experience many emotional difficulties with this, and it will lead to a more aggressive and emotionally charged divorce proceeding.
  5. Fighting Every Stipulation. If you decide you are going to fight everything your spouse wants in the divorce, you will cause the divorce to cost more and take longer. Allow your Austin family law lawyer to negotiate on your behalf if you are too upset to bargain.
  6. Fighting After the Divorce. Fighting after the divorce with custody battles and other issues only delays the healing process and can be very time consuming and expensive.

Speak to an Austin Family Law Lawyer Today

If you are currently seeking a divorce, speak to one of the compassionate attorneys at Nunis & Associates. Call (512) 236-9696 and speak to an Austin family law lawyer about your case today.