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An Austin Domestic Abuse Lawyer Answers Tough Domestic Violence Questions

Austin Domestic Abuse Lawyer - justiceDomestic violence can take many forms. In most cases, the root motivation for your abuser is having a feeling of control over you. If you’re the object of domestic violence, an Austin domestic abuse lawyer can help you.

What Your Austin Domestic Abuse Lawyer Can Tell You About Domestic Violence

Abusers often wish to control the activities, behavior, and even the thoughts of their victims. As an Austin domestic abuse lawyer can explain, the person abusing you is likely using threats, intimidation, restrictions on both physical and financial freedom, and physical violence in an attempt to control you. While women represent the largest population of victims, men are also often subjected to domestic violence. Children, too, in heartbreaking situations, are often victims of domestic abuse.

Domestic Violence Can Take Many Forms

Certainly, physical violence can lead to the most devastating of consequences. However, your aggressor is likely to act abusive in other ways, all in an attempt to control you and feel powerful. This could be through cutting you off from your family, friends or support systems. Your abuser could even restrict your access to your own finances. All of this behavior is solely to seek control over you and to make you feel dependent. You likely already know that domestic abuse has more than one incarnation: it can be sexual, psychological, or emotional. Unfortunately, nonphysical abuse can often accelerate to physical abuse, if your aggressor continues to feel that lack of control. It is a tough challenge to overcome, but if you are in either situation, you need to speak with an Austin domestic violence lawyer immediately.

Options for Dealing with Domestic Violence

Understand that domestic violence is a crime. An Austin domestic abuse lawyer can discuss your legal options for dealing with it. Your well-being and safety are the foremost concern. Your attorney can discuss whether you need a shelter or other safe house if your situation is severe. One of the first lines of defense, in a legal sense, is to obtain a protective order against your abuser. Your attorney can discuss the procedure for obtaining one. Essentially, if sufficient cause exists to issue a protective order, the judge will sign one prohibiting the person abusing you from contacting you or coming within a certain distance of you. If your abuser violates the order, he or she may be arrested.

Contact An Austin Domestic Abuse Lawyer

If you – or someone you love – is living in fear, you may be in a situation where domestic violence is imminent. Don’t wait. Call for legal assistance and guidance right away to discuss your options. Call the offices of Nunis & Associates at (512) 236-9696 to schedule an appointment for an initial consultation.