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Our Austin Divorce Lawyers Discuss Divorce Dos and Don’ts

Austin Divorce Lawyers If you are considering a divorce and have questions about the process, our Austin divorce lawyers may be able to help you. Even under the best circumstances, emotions can run high in a divorce, causing the decisions that need to be made to be even more stressful. It is natural to make emotional decisions during a divorce, but following these “dos and don’ts” can help prevent you from making costly mistakes.

The Dos of Divorce

  • When going through a divorce, do act reasonably and cooperate with your soon-to-be-former spouse as much as possible. It is also important to support your children as they go through the process with you, ensuring that they do not have to pick sides.
  • Do work out custody arrangements with your spouse and let him or her know where you will be and when you expect to return with the children.
  • Do disclose all of your assets to make sure that your divorce goes smoothly and the asset division process is as straightforward as possible. Divorces can go on for years because of hidden assets or unclear divisions.
  • Do make sure that you are aware of all of the options available to you outside of a hearing in front of a judge, such as mediation and other alternative dispute resolution.
  • Do ask your Austin divorce attorney if you have any questions along the way or feel unsure about a certain aspect of the divorce process.

The Don’ts of Divorce

  • Don’t lose your composure, even if the divorce process becomes drawn out or unnecessarily complicated.
  • Don’t make significant plans like switching to a job in another state or leaving the country on a long vacation until your divorce is final. Finalizing a divorce is a complicated process that can become even more complicated with major last-minute changes.
  • Be sure to avoid violating any temporary custody or visitation arrangements as this could make your struggle to get custody or visitation rights more difficult.
  • Giving away property to friends and relatives in an attempt to hide it from your spouse is also likely to cause problems as the judge attempts to come to an arrangement in your divorce. Your spouse can also take you to court to settle the assets once they are exposed.
  • The most important “don’t” to avoid while getting a divorce is going through the process alone. An attorney can make sure that your rights and property are protected in court.

Getting Help

Navigating a divorce is difficult, especially without experience in your local legal community. A lawyer can help you negotiate fair and equitable arrangements in finances and in custody arrangements.

Contact Austin Divorce Lawyers

Call Nunis & Associates today at (512) 236-9696 to speak with Austin divorce attorneys you can trust.